Skydive Twin Cities’ Skydiving Season runs April thru October. Monday, Thursday and Friday 10:00 A.M. until Sunset Saturday and Sunday 8:00 A.M. until SunsetNOTE: Reservation schedule and open days and times are subject to change. Please visit our Google listing or give us a call at 715-684-3416 for the most up to date information.Our mailing address is 2026 County Road J, Baldwin, WI 54002.Directions to Skydive Twin CitiesWe can be reached anytime throughout the year at 715-684-3416or Email Skydive Twin CitiesFor your parachute maintenance and rigging needs throughout the year visitParachute Magic on the web.
Skydive Twin Cities’ Skydiving Season is April thru October Monday, Thursday & Friday 10:00 A.M. to Sunset Saturday & Sunday 8:00 A.M. to SunsetNOTE: The days and times we are open for skydiving are subject to change as are scheduled reservations. Please visit our Google listing or give us a call at 715-684-3416 for the most up to date information.We can be reached anytime throughout the year by phone or email. 715-684-3416Email Skydive Twin CitiesMailing address: 2026 County Road J, Baldwin, WI 54002Directions: Skydive Twin CitiesFor your parachute maintenance and rigging needs throughout the year visit Parachute Magic on the web.